Living the Dream

Monday, September 25, 2006

Tokyo Disney Sea

I'm sorry did someone say I was over here to work?
This is the Sea Version of disney land which includes my all time favorite

"The Tower Of Terror"

What really happend to Harry Hightower?

Monday, September 18, 2006

Your meal with a spin

On the way to the supermarket I found this show going on
I'm not sure how they did half the things they were doing without having half thier organs removed

Saturday, September 16, 2006

I love a good western meal

Ok so once again not the best illistration of Tokyo
This is just a howdy to all of the people that told me I have to eat sushi for the next 7 month... HA
oh and P.S. Banana's are really cheap... I win again

Welcome to Japan...

Population in Tokyo = 20 Million + Me!!!
I know this is a silly photo for my first post but I haven't been into Tokyo City yet so it'll do...
this is my fridge on the first day thanks to my beautiful Girlfriend and a really great going away party...
Please say Hi... I just know i'm gonna get lonely over here

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