Living the Dream

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Shopping In Tokyo

Today I went to Harajiku...
And we went shopping on Takeshita street...
hehehe, Please tell me everyone else finds that funny


Blogger Oh Joy said...

Yes, yes that is funny. Real freakin' funny. Heeheehee.

I knew a girl in Saskatoon who lived on the corner of Avenue P and Rushhome Road. Get it?

Rushhome & P

12:40 AM  
Blogger Carlene said...

Dean Ross Oliver !
You get into the bathroom and wash your mouth out with soap right now!
And don't let me hear you using that language again!

6:45 AM  
Blogger Ross O said...

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6:57 AM  
Blogger Ross O said...

You sick puppy, now tell us how they pronounce it.

7:00 AM  
Blogger Leigh Oliver said...

Ha HA!!! Dean got in trouble again!!!

8:00 AM  
Blogger Penelope said...

hello silly i am writing you a post just cause hehe

8:44 AM  
Blogger Mark said...

Nice one least you can't try to blame Leigh or Me on this one. We didn't tell you to do it.

P.S. Comic Gold

9:09 PM  
Blogger Ariana said...

Haha, now I know Dean's middle name! Probably not a secret, but I still feel like I've gained a wealth of knowledge.

Also, everyone should be a theatre major so we can all do awesome photo poses.

5:15 AM  

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