Living the Dream

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's my first day!!!! Mary Poppins & Bert

Finally... I get to do some work,
Not that I could really call this work! Bert had 6 sets of greeting all supposed to last for 30 minutes, first set it was raining so he just rode the tea cups for 10 minutes. The last set it was too dark so he went in early. Apart from that, One big ball of fun.


Blogger Ross O said...

No wonder they reckon your good in that role, we could just as easy be looking at Dick Van Dyke himself, Go Dean.

8:31 PM  
Blogger Oh Joy said...

Seriously Dean, that looks like a fun life!!!! Do you get to move on to Mickey soon? Or is that the most sought-after role and only for the veterens?

12:14 PM  
Blogger yemum said...

Actually any character that has thier face covered by a costume is played by local actors...
We've only been brought in for our good looks, now i know i'm gonna cop slack for that comment!

2:49 PM  
Blogger Mark said...

Nice Bert!!!!

3:11 PM  
Blogger Oh Joy said...

Really? See I did not know that about the locals and the face covering gigs and all, learn something new everyday.

Don't let them give you any slack, you're totally there for your good looks. Speaking of good-lookers, darn that Mary Poppins is cute!!!!

11:23 PM  
Blogger Ross O said...

I think you mean flack, why should we cut a lucky guy like you with such a cushy job any slack.more photo's please.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Carlene said...

Hey Cutie!
Send me your home address to my email so I can forward your mail.
Oh and put up more pictures!
Love Mum.

9:15 PM  
Blogger said...

Have you played any other cool charecters yet?

7:01 AM  

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