Living the Dream

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Get in touch

ok ok so I don't have any new photo's yet...
It is a little tricky cause we can't take photo's backstage and it cost's us money to get into the park! But i will try to get more photo's for you

oh yeah

BLDG. A402
AKEMI 5-6-1

Love ya


Blogger said...

I can't belive they actually charge you to get into the park. Looks like you're really enjoying your job though!

6:57 AM  
Blogger Ross O said...

Glad to hear your having so much fun.

8:25 AM  
Blogger Oh Joy said...

They should pay YOU money each time you go through the gates. Who do I talk to? Seriously though, that is a little lame.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Carlene said...

Ok... So what has been happening?
Even if you don't have photos you can give is an update... you know, blow by blow description of the life of a celebrity! You know all us lesser people thrive on stuff - its why the tabloids keep selling!

Love you & miss you!

7:58 PM  

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