Living the Dream

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Bert Learns to Fly

Ummmm... Well see funny thing about that question, For the Sake of preserving the 'Disney Magic' and also for the sake of me keeping my job I'm not really aloud to publish anything about portraying differen't characters. But lets just say that from day to day you may notice a small change in each character.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Sleeping Beauty & Prince Phillip

Well actually its not so much the work load but more so the contact hours and the call times that are a little hard to deal with... And "yes dad, I am looking after myself"

'Ahhhh Mc'Cain, You've done it again'

Friday, October 20, 2006


Hey everyone!!!
This Is Bert with a fan!
Some of the fans will actually give you photo's as a gift.
And I do apologize I still have been unable to attain a photo of me in tights

Miss you all

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Get in touch

ok ok so I don't have any new photo's yet...
It is a little tricky cause we can't take photo's backstage and it cost's us money to get into the park! But i will try to get more photo's for you

oh yeah

BLDG. A402
AKEMI 5-6-1

Love ya

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's my first day!!!! Mary Poppins & Bert

Finally... I get to do some work,
Not that I could really call this work! Bert had 6 sets of greeting all supposed to last for 30 minutes, first set it was raining so he just rode the tea cups for 10 minutes. The last set it was too dark so he went in early. Apart from that, One big ball of fun.

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